Global Guy Training

An established leader and inspired world traveler, Global Football founder and president Patrick Steenberge is offering students, employees, managers and teams of any type an opportunity to benefit and learn from his global experiences.

Through a ‘Global Guy Training Session’ Patrick will inspire those who sign up for the opportunity by sharing his philosophy and methodology, which is driven by two key factors that have impacted him so powerfully: “We have No Breaking Point”, as Coach Ara Parseghian so powerfully directed to Patrick and his Notre Dame teammates; and “Tupande Kileleni”, Swahili for “Let’s Climb to the Summit Together”, the motto of the 2011 Global Kilimanjaro Bowl which Patrick produced.

“Over the past 25 years of Global Football I have often thought of capturing the thoughts and life-experiences of team leaders, coaches and other fascinating individuals I have been fortunate to encounter,” said Patrick. “While I have written about those moments with unique men and women at times, the spoken word is so much more dynamic. The COVID-19 impact has now provided me the reason, time and motivation to help inspire people, to entertain folks with fascinating stories of dynamic leaders.

“My entire life has been so full, so blessed, and so enhanced by those mentors whom I have trained under, learned from, and shared goals with. Now I feel well-prepared to reach out to groups and individuals, to classes and teams, to organizations and committees, sharing my message of Team and Commitment, and to help explain the comments told by superb friends of mine, intended to encourage anyone to Achieve Great Goals.”

If interested in scheduling Patrick Steenberge for a Global Guy Training session for your students, employees, managers or team of any type, either in-person or via video conference, please contact him directly: / 817.219.7274. These sessions can be accommodated in English or Spanish, and focus on the topics most timely to your current issues and goals.