Pop Warner

Since 2010, Global Football has partnered with Pop Warner to provide American football youngsters from around the world with an opportunity to participate at the youth organization’s annual Super Bowl event.

“When Pop Warner Executive Director Jon Butler and I first met back in early 2010 and discussed the idea of creating and building a Pop Warner International Super Bowl to be played and enjoyed by youngsters from around the world, we dreamed of having teams representing every continent on the globe,” said Global Football Founder and President Patrick Steenberge. “We started small with North American teams, but quickly we expanded to include a Central American representative in Panama, while expanding our numbers across Mexico. Then in 2014 the United Emirates sent a team, further broadening the scope of the event. Our first European nation, Finland, brought two teams in 2016.”


Enjoy photos from the Pop Warner International Super Bowl here.


International Pop Warner Super Bowl history: PWSB history 2010-19



Please click on the story headlines below to read the entire article.


The Varsity and Junior Varsity teams from Panama emerged triumphant from the ninth annual Pop Warner Super Bowl international games played at the ESPN Wide World of Sports™.


Queretaro and EAFL Falcons Win Pop Warner International Super Bowl Titles

International Pop Warner Celebration

International Pop Warner Celebration

The international youth American football players taking part in the Global Football-organized international games at the Pop Warner Super Bowl will enjoy a special event in Orlando tonight.

Pop Warner Int’l Bowl

Pop Warner Int’l Bowl

Since 2010, Global Football has partnered with Pop Warner to provide American football youngsters from around the world with an opportunity to participate at the youth organization’s annual Super Bowl event.

Pop Warner International Bowl Action Kicks Off

Pop Warner International Bowl Action Kicks Off

The International Bowl action at the 59th annual Pop Warner Super Bowl got underway on Monday at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports in Orlando. Teams from Mexico, Canada and the UAE played round-robin games in the Midget and Junior Midget divisions under clear skies.

International Bowl Set For Pop Warner Super Bowl

International Bowl Set For Pop Warner Super Bowl

Young American football enthusiasts aged between 11 and 14 from three nations will participate in the Pop Warner International Bowl at the 59th annual Pop Warner Super Bowl from December 5-13 at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida.